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26 Jul
¿Qué es el microcemento?
What is the Microcement?
Category: CimentArt, Exterior microcement, ...
The microcement is a highly decorative coating and 100% waterproof, with little thickness; it can be applied on walls, floors and ceilings, indoors or outdoors.
25 Jul
Microcemento en una encimera de cocina
Can the Microcement be use over a kitchen countertop?
Category: CimentArt, Inside microcement
Of course, microcement can be apply over a countertop, the important part is that the base, if its wood or DMF, should be completely waterproof.
25 Jul
Microcemento 100% Impermeable
100% waterproof Microcement
Category: CimentArt, Inside microcement
CimentArt with a lot of effort has created the first 100% waterproof Microcement Ready to be use. 
24 Jul
Suelos de Microcemento
Microcement Floors
Category: CimentArt, Inside microcement
There are several that can be use on floor as microcement, printed concrete, floating platform, etc. But all of them need their cares and maintenance.  
23 Jul
Qué significa microcemento
What Microcement means?
Category: CimentArt
Microcement is not a product, but a concept with some defined characteristics. It’s a decorative coating without joints, applicable over any surface.